Organic Social Media Management Contract | BirdMad Media, LLC
This service agreement and cancellation policy are automatically applied to all accounts with BirdMad Media, llc. Both Active and Passive. Engaging in services with BirdMad Media, llc, equates that the client agrees to all agreements within both the BirdMad Media, llc, Website Service Agreement and Social Media Agreement.
- BirdMad Media aims to enhance and maximize the organic abilities of social networking and management. This proposal outlines the services provided by BirdMad Media and the cost of services. Social Networking (SN) Services: Developer: BirdMad Media, LLC Client: Signer / Signee of this document.
- Online Identity Management (OIM)
Building Web Channels for Social Networking
Online Target Market Channel Development: Developer will create “Web Channels” consisting of people that match the demographics of Client’s target market.
- Socialize with Individuals, Companies and Resources within Target Market: Using targeted Social Networks, Developer will locate, connect and socialize online with those within Client’s Target Market Channels.
-Ongoing Testing: Developer will test options for Social Networking in terms of posting times,channel development, content variation and engagement. Ad placement is an option to help boost organic methods however please note; online advertising cost & payment is the responsibility of the Client based upon Clients set advertising budget and needs and is not included in our monthly service package.
- Channel Building: Developer will engage in the process of gathering, friending and socializing with individuals within your target market, as well as locating “network hubs” or powerful individuals who will have the biggest reach within your target market; and gathering targeted individuals into Client’s channels for ongoing marketing efforts.
- Social Networking Tasks
Channel Content Development & Distribution: Developer will work with Client to determine the information that most appeals to Client’s channels, develop such content and distribute it across appropriate channels.
- Friend, Follower, Post & Comment Management – Customer Service Developer will interact within social networks by managing Friends, Followers and Commenters. Developer will respond to questions, comments, posts and friend requests and forward any pertinent information to the appropriate correspondent.
- Social Network Post Scheduling
Posts are scheduled M-F and in advance for the weekend. Full coverage of social networks would show a posting schedule of 1 post daily each morning M-F and 2 posts on the weekends (1 Sat / 1 Sun) across all social network in contract.
- Social Network Analytics
Developer will gather and provide any available analytics from all of Clients Social Network Channel’s. Many of the analytics provided by social networks can be downloaded and displayed in chart form; Developer will work with Client on preference of displaying analytics should charts and displays not be needed. A schedule of analytics can be established or analytics can be provided at the Clients request.
- Cost for Monthly Services
Please See our Pricing Page. All accounts have a 30 Day Cancellation Notification automatically applied with the payment of the 1st invoice.
Please Read Cancellation Policy below.
- Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of this contract will require a 30 day notification from either party prior to cancelling this contract/agreement for any reason. At time of cancellation, final payment of the clients service package amount will be sent as a standard invoice and will be due. Should either party decide to cancel without a 30 day notification; the party that cancels without proper notification will be charged a fee of $150.00+ one month of clients contracted monthly payment for services. This payment will be owed to the other party within 30 Days of cancellation date.
- Non-Payment
Should payment for services not be received within 5 days post of invoice due date your services may be suspended. If payment is still not received within 7 days post of invoice due date your services will be suspended and notification will be sent to you. After 10 days of non-payment services post invoice due date, clients account will be cancelled and you have two weeks to make payment. Should non-payment continue after the 2 week deadline legal action may be taken and full cost and expense of any such action will be the bill to and be the financial responsibility of the client.
This Cancellation Policy is automatically applied to all client accounts with the payment of the 1st Invoice and can change at any time without notice.